Eagle is a fiction digital store that sells survival equipments 

such as classic survival equipments, cold and hot weapons, survivel clothes and hardcore tools



First I had to create a logo when the subject was an eagle

as the project state, Eagle is a survival store

The first thing that came to my mind when i think about “survival” is a Compass

an object that lead us to the right way so we wont get lost, contain 4 primary directions along with 4 secondaries and 8 tertiaries

I started by creating an illustration of an eagle head that looking to the right side (his right)

Added elements that simulates his feathers and an eye 

behind the eagle i placed half compassn with 3 arrows that representing the directions

a Solid thick block that gives a feeling of balance and solid ground

And the last elements i have added are the typographics, I placed the brand name “EAGLE” below and NW, NE as the directions names near the arrows


here is the black and white logo on black and white backgrounds

same logo as above but added to specific locations the color red on black and white backgrounds 

I got to conclusion that the logo is too complex with too many details and i decided to simplify it

as in the first try to make the eagle logo, i had a vision that the eagle and the compass are the same one

so i started with 4 long triangle to create a simple object that simulate the inner part of the compass

i tweaked the object and removed unwanted parts so it will look like an eagle’s wings

after that i added the eagle head from the previous version

A short explaination about what is inside the logo and what they represent

Here are some other versions of the logo


After i created a logo, now is the part to design and create the Website

I focused on design, order and organization rather than placing content such as products image

The eagle, a winged predator animal that spend his time mostly in the air 

I find it suit to the eagle to be in his natural enviorment, blue sky with beautiful clouds as the theme background

fixed and transparent navigation menu, upper half of the logo is placed above the page title

white canvas and dark greyish blue thin font 

The project is made for the purpose of learning and ability to do and is not used for profit

This project made in the following softwares